Though Senator Scott Wilk announced Senate Bill 792 on Tuesday, Santa Clarita’s Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital is not taking a position at this time.
The bill, designed to promote the fair distribution of funds for trauma centers, will affect 12 non-county operated hospitals and three county-operated hospitals.
“We need to study it further before we can determine if we do have a position,” hospital spokesperson Patrick Moody said.
Moody said the hospital administration was made aware of the bill when it was announced Tuesday but does not feel they have enough information on it to take a definitive stance. He said while the lack of a position on the bill could change, the hospital will not necessarily change its position.
The bill, a reiteration of Los Angeles County Measure B from 2002, will reallocate $250 million in funding to more accurately reflect where money is most needed in hospitals throughout L.A. County.
In 2011-12, Henry Mayo Newhall received $908,812, placing the hospital second to last on the list in terms of funding among non-county operated trauma centers, according to a 2014 California State Audit Report.
Tax revenues from Measure B are intended to fund emergency medical services, trauma centers and bioterrorism response to cover uncompensated care costs.
In Wilk’s announcement yesterday, he expressed discontent with the $1.2 million funded to Antelope Valley. Moody said he is aware of that funding concern.
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