Newhall School Board to review projected student populations

The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal
The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal

Members of the Newhall School District Governing Board are expected to review a report on the district’s student population projections for the next seven school years at the board’s regular meeting Tuesday.

The report, from Davis Demographics & Planning, Inc., uses student and resident data to create student population projections by residence from fall 2017 to fall 2023.

According to the agenda item, the annual report is used to uncover trends in the community, determine how these trends may affect future student populations and assist in illustrating facility adjustments to accommodate potential student population shifts.

It also is used for state reports and planning to evaluate future site requirements and attendance area changes.

The report found that the district is projected to experience an overall decline in enrollment during the next three years before picking up again in fall 2020.

This projected increase in enrollment is due to the planned completion of the Newhall Ranch Projects of Mission Village, Legacy Village and Homestead Village.

Davis Demographics & Planning projects that these projects could increase TK-6 enrollment in the Oak Hills Elementary School area from 353 in 2018 to almost 700 in 2020 and almost 1,100 in 2022.

With this increase, Davis Demographics & Planning recommended that the district adjusts attendance boundaries over the next five years or builds another elementary school near Oak Hills Elementary.

Board members are also expected to hear a quarterly facilities project status report about the Newhall School district’s projects.

According to the agenda item, the district has completed its Old Orchard Elementary classroom project, its Peachland Elementary classroom project, its wireless expansion and its distribution of 2,000 Lenovo Yoga computers through Measure E funds.

The Newhall Auditorium renovation was delayed due to the rain and now has a completion date of April 7.

This summer, the district plans to repaint Old Orchard and Peachland, re-carpet buildings at Wiley Canyon, repave of a portion of the play yard at Meadows and the preschool play yard and staff parking lot at Peachland and remodel the vacant office in room 107 at the District Office.

The district will also complete fencing projects at Meadows and Pico Canyon, slurry seal and stripe play yard at McGrath and the parking lot at Meadows, and complete roof repair and warranty renewal projects at Newhall, Pico Canyon, Wiley Canyon, Peachland, Oak Hills and McGrath.

During the meeting, governing board members are expected to hear a new State Accountability System report from Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Jeff Pelzel.

The accountability system, unanimously adopted by the State Board of Education, evaluates districts using a variety of measures including student achievement, student persistence and graduation, college and career readiness indicators and availability of qualified teachers and adequate facilities, among other measures.

This accountability system is part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) which allocates funds based on pupil needs.

Evaluation rubrics for schools will include a one-page dashboard displaying how districts, schools and students rate—from blue to red—on a performance indicator.  It will also include data performance over time and statements of model practices.

Additional Agenda Items:

  • Approve 2016-17 tentative agreement between NSD and the Newhall Teachers Association (NTA), which includes a 2 percent salary increase for all NTA employees
  • Award bid for exterior painting of Newhall Annex in winter 2017 to Mear Construction, Inc. as recommended by staff for the lowest responsible, responsive bidder
  • Hear progress report from Superintendent Paul Cordeiro about the progress toward his six 2016-17 district goals
  • Approve comprehensive school safety plans
  • Consider deleting obsolete board policies and administrative regulations: Philosophy Goals, Objectives, and Comprehensive Plans; Community Relations; Administration; Business and Noninstructional Operations; Personnel; Instruction; Board Bylaws
  • Approve budget guidelines for the development of the 2017-18 district budget

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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_

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