CUSD seeks applications for Citizens Oversight Committee

Castaic Union School District Building. Dan Watson/The Signal

The Castaic Union School District (CUSD) announced Tuesday that it is seeking applications to fill four vacancies on its Measure QS Citizens Oversight Committee.

Measure QS is a General Obligation (GO) Bond that was approved by Santa Clarita voters in the November 2012 election.  The $51 million in bonds issued are used to finance school facilities and improvements throughout the district.

The independent Measure QS Citizens Oversight Committee is mandated by law and is designed to insure accountability to the public and inform the public of the expenditure of bond proceeds.

According to CUSD, this committee must include at least seven community members who are appointed to their positions by the CUSD Governing Board.

Applications for the four positions are available now at the District office located at 28131 Livingston Avenue in Valencia and on the district’s website at  Additional information is available from the Office of the Superintendent, 661-257-4500.

Employees of the district, vendors, and consultants and contractors who work for or provide services to the district may not serve on the committee.

The deadline for submitting applications is April 21 by 4:30 p.m.

According to CUSD, the final selection and appointment of the committee members is expected to occur by May 11 at a regular governing board meeting.

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