The Sulphur Springs Union School District Governing Board will hold its regular meeting at Pinetree Community School Wednesday at 7 p.m.
During the meeting, governing board members will review a resolution of consideration to make adjustments to the district’s Community Facilities District, which allows for the financing of public improvements and services.
According to the agenda item, Pardee Homes is requesting adjustments in the rate and “method of apportionment” of special taxes supporting school improvements and related costs for the Aliento Residential Development.
The Community Facilities District was formed by the Sulphur Springs Board on Aug. 15, 2007 for the Golden Ranch/Aliento project.
Through this Community Facilities District, the developer of the project as funded school improvements supporting the residential developments including the completion of Golden Oak Community School.
The district is expected to conduct a public hearing on the proposed resolution April 26, 2017.
Board members will also review gifts to the district totaling $3,407.53 for the Many Families One Community Resource Fair, field trips, enrichment programs and mat foams.
During the meeting, board members are also expected to approve a supplemental l law enforcement agreement between Los Angeles County and Leona Cox Community School.
This agreement will support weekly sessions and discussions between a STAR Deputy and 4th to 6th grade students about good choices on bullying, alcohol, drugs, etc.
Board members are also expected to review and approve the Sulphur Springs Union School District Calendar for the 2017-18 schoolyear.
Additional Agenda Items:
- Hear initial proposal from the California School Employees Association Chapter #298 to the Sulphur Springs Union School District
- Hear Facilities Implementation Plan Update from Khushroo Gheyara from Caldwell Flores Winters Inc. about possible modernization and construction projects for the District
- Approve two requests for home teachers
- Announce dates of the district’s final Super Achiever Awards ceremonies
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