Lanes of the 5 freeway will be intermittently closed for the next two years due to Caltrans’ I-5 Roadway Rehabilitation Project in North Los Angeles County/Santa Clarita.
A total of 15.8 miles of freeway—from 0.5 miles south of the 5 freeway and 14 freeway interchange and 1.7 miles north of the 5 freeway Lake Hughes Road undercrossing—will be updated by the Road Rehabilitation Project.
This pavement and concrete is more than 50 years old and is no longer adequate for the existing and future traffic along the freeway, according to Caltrans.
The project is expected to extend the life of the roadway, upgrade parts of the highway that are failing, worn out or functionally obsolete, and make the drive smoother and safer for motorists.
Lane closures are expected to begin July 10 with closures between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. and will continue until summer 2019.
During the 5 Roadway Rehabilitation Project, Caltrans will be continuously upgrading paving in the outside No. 3 and No. 4 lanes.
In the No. 1 and No. 2 lanes, broken slabs will be replaced and the full length of lanes will receive profile grinding to ensure a smooth surface for vehicles.
Portions of the roadway will also have asphalt pavement and concrete pavement installed, and the guardrail of the freeway will be upgraded to the current standard.
No carpool or HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes are anticipated to be constructed during the Roadway Rehabilitation Project; however, they are expected to be constructed during a separate project following the Roadway Rehabilitation Project’s completion.
Overall, the I-5 Roadway Rehabilitation Project will reduce time for future maintenance, which will minimize future lane closures and delays for drivers.
Most of the construction will occur at night, but some will occur during the day. For more information on the Caltrans’ I-5 Roadway Rehabilitation Project, residents can visit or follow Caltrans on Twitter @CaltransDist7.