The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board is expected to approve its 2017-18 budget and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) during a special meeting Wednesday morning.
Budget Adoption
Following a public hearing held at a June 14 meeting, the Governing Board is expected to adopt the Hart District’s 2017-18 budget.
A major element of the district’s revenue is based on average daily attendance (ADA) or the number of students in school on a daily basis. The district’s ADA and enrollment has declined since its peak in 2007-08.
For 2017-18, the district expects to have an enrollment of 22,405 students and an ADA of 21,467, down from an enrollment of 22,437 students in 2016-17 and an ADA of 21,606.
Multi-year projections for the district project a small decline in enrollment in 2018-19, with 22,354 students, and in 2019-20, with 22,295 students, according to the district’s budget.
The district’s multiyear projections reveal increasing revenues along with increasing costs each year into 2019-20.
For 2017-18, unrestricted and restricted revenues are expected to be $219,410,860 and expenditures are expected to be at $229,764,203.86.
With additional funds, the total components of the ending fund balance as expected to be $24,583,840.50.
The district is projected to meet is required reserve of 3 percent each year, as mandated by the state.
According to the budget, the district also has a vacancy in one of its chief business official positions following the resignation of Chief Financial Officer Erin Lillibridge, who left the district to become the Chief Business Officer at Granada Hills Charter High School.
The position has been vacant since June 1, but the district sought applicants to fill the during the past month.
LCAP Adoption
The Governing Board is also expected to approve and adopt its LCAP following a public hearing held June 14.
The LCAP identifies goals and measures for student subgroups across eight state priorities and defines actions, services and expenditures to support students districtwide.
Using input from parents, teachers, administrators, students and the Hart District Teachers Association at stakeholder meetings in April and May, the district determined its priorities and areas of improvement to highlight in its LCAP.
According to the agenda item, priorities from stakeholders include a focus on the student subgroups of English Learners (EL), Students with Disabilities (SPED) and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged (SED).
The district developed six LCAP goals with 34 actions and services, with 17 actions serving all students and 17 areas serving student subgroups.
With its LCAP, the Hart District is hoping to address English Learner progress and math progress, which was determined as the greatest areas of improvement by the California School Dashboard.
According to the LCAP, the district serves nearly 23,000 students in grades 7 to 12 at its comprehensive high schools, junior high schools, continuation school, middle college high school, independent study school, home school support program and therapeutic day school.
The Hart District does not receive Title 1 or Title III funding. In its schools, 339 students are homeless, 19 are foster youth, 3,064 are SPED and 638 are SPED and English Learners.
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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_