It’s that time again. The school year is winding down, the mercury is rising and families are starting to plan out different activities for the summer. This is the perfect opportunity to explore all the City of Santa Clarita has to offer. Whether you want to take a relaxing swim in the Aquatic Center pool or play a game of pick-up basketball at one of the more than 30 parks in Santa Clarita, there is something for everyone. One place which has programming and activities for the whole family is the Newhall Community Center, located at 22421 Market Street.
In addition to L.E.A.P. (Leisure, Enrichment, Activities Program), which is a structured after-school program for youth ages 5 to 12 during the school year, and the teenage equivalent iTEENS program, the Newhall Community Center offers a number of classes and enrichment opportunities for all ages. During the summer months this means a variety of fitness, karate and music classes, as well as youth sports leagues year round. Summer camp opportunities include Summer Kidz, Sunrise Kidz, Summer Blast and iTEENS and offer kids and teens the chance to hang out with friends, participate in daily activities during the week and take fieldtrips to the best educational and recreational destinations in Southern California. Free monthly special events are also put on for all ages as a way for the community to come together and enjoy time spent with family and friends.
Now wait a minute. I’m sure you’re asking yourself why the kids get to have all the fun. Don’t worry, there are plenty of adult classes and things to do at the Newhall Community Center so you won’t feel left out. Pilates, yoga, Zumba and Bollywood dance are just some of the classes you can take to stay healthy and active this summer. I encourage you to take a class in something outside of your comfort zone and see how much fun it is.
The Newhall Community Center is unique in that it is also home to the City’s Ballet Folklórico program, which has a rich tradition in “Increasing Pride through Dance.” Ballet Folklórico teaches teamwork, poise and confidence and tells stories through the art of dance. Instructor Maria Romero is a Regional and National Champion Female Soloist, has performed as part of the Grandeza Mexicana Folklórico Ballet Company and is the recipient of multiple scholastic and professional dance awards and recognitions. Residents can enroll themselves and/or their children in one of two beginning Ballet Folklórico classes. One is intended for children ages 5 to 7, while the other is for beginners ages 7 and up.
One of the most striking features of the Newhall Community Center – no pun intended – is the boxing ring. The community center’s boxing program provides youth and adults with fitness and introductory technique classes to help develop boxing skills in a non-competitive arena. At the same time participants in the program have a positive outlet while receiving a boost in self-esteem and increasing their discipline and self-control. Learn basic footwork, combinations and how to improve strength in these eight-week sessions.
Did you know that the Newhall Community Center is also available to rent for your event? The 17,000 square-foot facility is perfect for business meetings, conferences, birthday parties and more. You can reserve the boxing gym, dance room or meeting space for exclusive use and the professionally trained staff will help you select the accommodations that best suit your needs. When not reserved many areas of the community center are available on a first come, first served basis.
You can learn more about the Newhall Community Center, including how to rent the facility, by visiting Santa-Clarita.com/NCC or by calling 661-286-4006.
Bill Miranda is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at [email protected].