Robert Newman, city’s public works director, honored

City of Santa Clarita City Hall

The American Public Works Association this week honored Santa Clarita Public Works Director Robert Newman with a 2017 Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year Award.

The award recognizes leaders in the public works sector for career-long excellence in advancing infrastructure in the communities they serve.

Robert Newman, city of Santa Clarita’s director of public works. Courtesy photo.

Newman oversees roughly 135 full-time employees and manages the divisions of Building and Safety, Capital Improvement Projects/Parks and Trails Planning, Engineering Services, General Services, and Traffic and Transportation Planning. During his tenure, he has successfully led more than $600 million dollars in community benefit projects.

“Robert Newman exemplifies skills of leadership and integrity,” said Mayor Cameron Smyth in a statement. “He’s been with the city for nearly 25 years and has always been a strong strategic leader and wonderful mentor for his staff.”

Newman will be recognized for his accomplishment at the June 13 City Council meeting.


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