Sulphur Springs Board to review district’s LCAP, budget


The Sulphur Springs Union District Governing Board will review the district’s three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and 2017-18 budget during its regular meeting Wednesday.

At the beginning of its meeting, governing board members are also expected to honor 12 retiring teachers and one principal who spent anywhere from 11 years to 37 years in the district.

Retiring teachers include Diane Clark-Aguinaldo, Sherri Greenberg, Lori Hoffman, Kathy Brown, Susan Klein, Alexia Brown, Charles Waller, Connie McClafferty-Helley, Linda Gerken and Sue McEwan.

Sulphur Springs will also celebrate the retirement of educational audiologist Naomi Smith and Canyon Springs Community School Principal Marie Stump.


During Wednesday’s meeting, governing board members are planning on holding a public hearing and hear a presentation about the district’s LCAP for 2017-20.

The LCAP requires districts to create an annual report or plan to describe goals and specific actions to support student outcomes and overall performance.

Using student surveys—with separate surveys for students in transitional kindergarten to second grade and for students in third grade to sixth grade—parent surveys and staff surveys, the district found areas in need of improvement.

The surveys responses were used to develop the district’s LCAP goals and specific action plans to address student, parent and staff needs and recommendations.

Overall, the district serves 5,383 students in a diverse student population where 23 different languages are spoken at home, according to the LCAP report.

According to the report, 22 percent of students are English Learners, 50 percent are socio-economically disadvantaged, 11.4 percent are students with disabilities and 0.07 percent are Foster Youth.

For the 2017-20 plan, the district created four LCAP goals to identify best practices and close the achievement gap.

These goals include: strengthening student engagement and involvement with properly credentialed teachers and standards-aligned instruction, increasing student achievement with high-quality instruction and curriculum, supporting the whole child in partnership with families and the community, and providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all.

According to the district, no state or local indicators scored in the “red” or “orang” performance levels, but the district wants to focus on supporting the English Learner (EL) Program and mathematics instruction.

The LCAP is expected to be adopted at the board’s June 28 meeting.


Governing board members are also expected to hear a presentation and hold a public hearing on the district’s 2017-18 budget.

According to the agenda item, “the district, with proper attention to prudent financial planning, will be able to meet its financial obligations in the current and two subsequent years.”

The district’s declining enrollment throughout the past six years will affect its Local Control Funding Formula.  For 2017-18, Average Daily Attendance rates of students enrolled is expected to decline by 38 students.

There will also be an increase in expenses due to an increase in the State Teacher Retirement System, Public Employee Retirement System and employee benefits.

With planning, the district will exactly meet its state-mandated 3 percent reserve amounts each year from 2017 to 2020.

According to the proposed budget, restricted and unrestricted ending fund balances will be

Fair Oaks Ranch Community School

Governing Board members are also expected to approve Fair Oaks Ranch Community School’s updated Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

The SPSA monitors student enrollment and student academic achievement at each school site.

Recently, Fair Oaks Ranch met the minimum required low income students, at 40 percent, to be named a Title One School and receive Title One Funds.

The school’s interim principal worked with the school’s staff and site council to review student enrollment data, student academic data, student attendance rates and parental involvement before creating the school’s updated SPSA.

Fair Oaks Ranch will join five other schools in the Sulphur Springs district that are Title One Schools and receive federal funds to meet the needs of their low-income students.

$7,486,153.73 in 2017-18, $7,616,825.73 in 2018-19 and $6,748,802.73 2019-20.

Additional Agenda Items:

  • Conduct a public hearing and approve a resolution to levy alternative fees on residential construction following a completed School Facilities Needs Analysis
  • Approve end of year state preschool report annual self-assessment completed by Program Director Mary Mercogliano and state preschool parent survey summary
  • Approve resolution and the 2017-18 state preschool contract
  • Approve Memorandum of Understanding for curriculum development of the Next Generation Science Standards at the College of the Canyons Summer Science Institute for upper grade teachers

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