Newhall Board to evaluate district’s enrollment, attendance in June

The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal
The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal

At the end of the last month of the 2016-17 school year, the Newhall School District ended the month with three more students than it started with and with eight less students it ended with during the 2015-16 school year.

The Newhall School District Governing Board will discuss the Final Month Enrollment Update and Annual Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Conversion Report during its regular meeting Tuesday.

According to the final ADA converse report, a district-wide net decrease of 0.3 percent created an attendance rate of 96.5 percent in the 2016-17 school year.

In comparison, the average statewide attendance rate for elementary school district was 95.88 percent during the same time period.

The overall loss of eight students during the year represented a loss of $61,629 in state funding and the overall decrease in the attendance rate represented a loss of 21 ADA, or $167,643.

Quarterly Facilities Project Report

During Tuesday’s meeting, Governing Board members will also hear a quarterly Facilities Project Status Report on Measure E projects and individual school improvements.

The primary Measure E project, the Newhall Auditorium renovation, is in its final stages with its exterior being painted and the landscaping beginning.

These renovations as the final bond project to be completed under Measure E.  According to the report, Priority 2 Projects, which include the replacement of portables at Wiley Canyon and Stevenson Ranch, will not be included under Measure E due to lack of funds.

Additional regulations set by the State Allocation Board (SAB) may also impact the future of the district’s State School Facility Bond eligibility and funding.

According to the report, the district must re-certify its eligibility in the year they will receive an apportionment for funds.  This eligibility is based on classroom capacity and number of students.

With a declining enrollment, the district said there is a possibility that it will not be able to certify the same level of bond eligibility as it did when it filed its project applications in 2013 to 2015.

Amended regulations will also require the state to process the applications based on the order they are received before moving to another unfunded list.

Currently, Newhall Applications are in the queue at No. 101 for Newhall Elementary, No. 102 for Old Orchard Elementary and No. 190 for Newhall Auditorium construction.  Peachland Elementary’s application is currently in the process of being submitted.

Additional facilities projects completed over the summer include: re-carpeting of classrooms and the administration building at Wiley Canyon, repaving a portion of the play yard at Meadows, slurry seal and stripe the play yard at McGrath, reseeding the Wiley Canyon kindergarten yard, installing an additional storm drain at Old Orchard, adding a new school sign at Meadows and rehabbing the district office grounds.

Projects completed at Peachland Elementary include: painting the exterior of new construction, replacing the pavement at the staff parking and preschool yard, installing new drainage and re-grading the area behind the administration building, and installing new bushes and seeding of grass in front of the library.

Budget Revisions

Following the adoption of the California State Budget, the Newhall School District is expected to review changes to its own revenues and expenditures during its meeting.

According to state law, the school district has 45 days since the Governor signed the annual budget on June 27 to make revisions to its own adopted budget.

Overall these budget changes and revisions reflect an increase of the General Fund ending balance by $14,529.

Revenue increases to the district’s budget are based on changes in LCFF gap funding percentages, an increase in the mandate block grant, lottery revenue estimates and the inclusion of one-time mandated cost reimbursement funds.

Additional expenses to the district’s budget include costs associated with the planned operation of the Newhall Family Theater.

Fund Closures

The Governing Board is also expected to adopt a resolution to close three funds—Fund 49, Fune 63 and Fund 72—that are no longer needed and have zero balance as of June 30.

Fund 49, a Capital Project Fund, has not been used in years and all fees from the fund were collected and expended.

Fund 63, an enterprise fund for activities of a fee-based preschool, will be moved and accounted for in the district’s Child Development Fun, or Fund 12.

Fund 72, which has not operated in years, collected revenues from the state in the excess of the Gann Limit and distributed to schools; however, this limit is no longer used by the state.

Additional Agenda Items

  • Approve change orders for Newhall Elementary School Auditorium Renovation to RDM Electric Co., Inc. for HVAC work and to Harik Construction for new trim and moldings on doors and for a new operational ticket window
  • Award bid for fencing: ornamental iron and chain link at Meadows, Pico Canyon and Newhall
  • First reading of revised board policies: Superintendent’s Responsibilities and Duties; Superintendent Recruitment and Selection; Superintendent’s Contract; Evaluation of the Superintendent; and Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board Policy
  • Approve resolution for classified employee layoffs with the elimination of the instruction assistant position for the Severely Disabled Special Education program at Pico Canyon, Peachland Preschool and Peachland SDC Preschool

[email protected]
On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_

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