Soroptimist International of Valencia: New Name, New Board, Same Dedication


Soroptimist International of Valencia: New Name, New Board, Same Dedication

Source: Soroptimist International of Valencia

Suzanne Stone’s first meeting of her second term as president was also the first meeting of the Soroptimist International of Valencia (SIV), formerly of Santa Clarita Valley. Why the change? Suzanne answers, “After 42 1/2 years of empowering women and girls, we felt that it was time to rebrand, refresh, and revitalize our commitment and our spirit.”

In addition to the new name, the new 2017-18 board will feature Stephanie Sewell (President-Elect), Kathy Rutherford (Vice-President), Linda Hagen-Stewart (Treasurer), Karen Spencer (Treasurer-Elect), Chrissy Gonzales (Secretary), and Sandy Mintz (Corresponding Secretary). Elsa Spitzer (Membership Director), Cara Spiropoulos (Public Awareness), Denise Dacorsi-Placencio (Parliamentarian), and Amanda Etcheverry (Immediate Past President) will also be a part of the new Board.

However, even with all these changes, programs Live Your Dream and Dream It Be It are still empowering girls and women in the community, just as they have been since 1974. Both assisting with and encouraging women’s education, Live Your Dream grants money to disadvantaged women who could use it to further their education. Dream It Be It focuses on girls in secondary school, and opens doors to professional role models, career education, and the resources to live their dreams.

But these goals cannot be reached without the fundraisers that keep this non-profit going. The acclaimed Bras for a Cause and Gentleman for a Cause will be joined by times to eat, drink, and laugh with friends through Summer Wine Down (August 1), and Bunco Night (August 19).

The 14th Annual Bras for a Cause “BRASsiere de Valencia” will take place on Sunday, September 24, at the Valencia Country Club. For the last three years, this popular event has completely sold out, which literally makes hard work pay off. Last year, SIV provided 83 procedures, 36 mammograms, 9 biopsies, and 38 ultrasounds to women at Sheila R. Veloz.

The Tournament Players Club will house the 6th annual Gentleman for a Cause on February 25, 2018. SIV Dream programs that support women and girls in our community will benefit from this event.

“With continued support and generosity of the Santa Clarita community for Bras with a Cause and other programs and events, we hope that we can be as successful under our new name as with our old,” commented Denise Dacorsi-Placencio, chairperson for BRASsiere de Valencia.

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of working toward noble causes through fun events?

For tickets, sponsorships, and more information about these events, visit

Soroptimist International of Valencia is part of Soroptimist International, a worldwide organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.

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