Community Watch: Canyon Country West

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Commercial Burglary- 20800 block of Centre Pointe Parkway, person(s) unknown cut a lock to a storage shed near the above indicated address and stole an air compressor and a shop vacuum .

Petty Theft- 26400 block of Sierra Highway, person(s) unknown stole the victim’s handicap placard from his unlocked vehicle.

Vehicle Burglary- 27200 block of Luther Drive, two separate incidents occurred where the victim’s vehicle was broken into. One incident nothing was taken, and the other incident an empty backpack was taken.

Commercial Burglary- 20800 block of Centre Pointe Parkway, person(s) unknown cut the locks to a storage shed near the above location and stole a tool box containing miscellaneous tools.

Grand Theft- 18500 Soledad Canyon Road, one suspect was arrested after he attempted to steal store items.  All store property was returned.

Vehicle Burglary27000 block of Hidaway Avenue, person(s) unknown forced entry into the victim’s vehicle and stole a baseball bag containing baseball equipment.

Petty Theft- 26500 block of Golden Valley Road, person(s) unknown stole the victim’s cell phone after he left it laying on a table at a nearby eating establishment.


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