The singers, clad in blue, have taken the stage. A man takes out a pitch pipe to find the right key for the group to sing.
Then, the director of the a cappella crew ferociously and excitedly swings his arms in contrast to the soft notes that begin to come from the stage.
The crowd is all smiles as the music comes, nodding and bobbing to the notes.
For 41 years, the SCV Men of Harmony have graced the Santa Clarita Valley with their rhythm and aesthetics and Sunday was no different.

Some 100 people gathered at the Senior Center for the group’s 41st Annual A Cappella Harmony Show and ice cream social, where seniors and their families could come and enjoy an afternoon of singing.
“This is an exceptional opportunity for us,” said Ray Johnson, the director of the SCV Men of Harmony. “It’s our one time of year where we get to provide our brand of entertainment to the people of Santa Clarita and the area.”
And entertainment was just what SCV was looking for on Sunday, as 86-year-old Robert Noville pointed out.

Singing is ingrained in his identity. In fact, he was in the Men of Harmony himself for seven years and was enthusiastic to see some old friends perform at the Senior Center.
“Anytime the men get together and sing it’s really great,” he said. “I think everyone, if they have a chance, should sing.”
Later in the performance, The Valley Harmony Singers from Van Nuys came up to join the SCV a cappella group creating a two-valley performance, which was a treat for the residents of Santa Clarita.
“It’s wonderful, we’re all part of the same society,” said Base Section Leader Mike Hanika of the Valley Harmony Singers.