Chris Schauble is a co-anchor for the KTLA Morning News Early Edition and a Santa Clarita resident. He has been a news reporter on L.A. television for more than 10 years and with KTLA for more than six years.
Chris was adopted by a family in Colorado and as a news reporter in the Denver area covered the Columbine tragedy while it was happening.
Now, as a KTLA anchor, he reports on both local and national news in one of the largest local markets in the country.
The KTLA Morning News has established a different type of news show that has quickly become the style for a large part of the country. The anchors and reporters are more relaxed on the show and have a tendency to comment and joke about lighter stories as the show proceeds.
I wanted to know about being a part of the KTLA news team and what it’s like to be live on the air almost every morning.
I was also curious about a story he had done on KTLA about meeting his birth mother.
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Stephen Daniels
Santa Clarita