In honor of the victims of 9/11, Trinity Classical Academy students, staff, family and friends placed nearly 3,000 flags on campus on Trinity’s front lawn.
The tribute was led by students of Trinity’s Chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) and honored the 2,977 lives that were lost 16 years ago on Sept. 11, 2001.
An American flag was placed on the lawn for each loved one, first responder, rescue worker, volunteer and community resident who died during the terror attack.
Students also honored four American officials who died in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, according to the school.
The ceremony also included YAF chapter leadership introductions, the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence, a prayer and a playing of the taps.
This was the fifth year Trinity participated in the “9/11: Never Forget Project,” a project hosted by hundreds of Young Americans for Freedom chapters across the country.
“Our entire school wholeheartedly supports the 9/11 Never Forget Project and continues to be humbled by those who died, and those who have subsequently lost their lives protecting ours,” Head of School Liz Caddow said on the school’s Facebook page.
The project, started in 2003, is also designed to create a community of remembrance, reflection and continued awareness.