Heavy traffic hits SCV as holiday weekend comes to an end

Signal file photo of I-5 traffic

The influx of people traveling along Southern California freeways for the Thanksgiving holiday has slowed traffic on Interstate 5 to a crawl, officials said.

This traffic is due solely to the holiday, said Alex Rubio of the Traffic Management Center in Glendale.

“We do not have any incidents, so [the traffic] is not due to any incident, Rubio said Saturday afternoon.

As a major north-south route, traffic along Interstate 5 tends to be heavier than on other freeways during the holidays, he added.

Traffic is reported as heavy along the southbound 5 freeway from the Castaic Junction to the top of the Newhall pass. Southbound traffic thins after the Interstate 210 interchange.

Drivers can expect significant delays along the northbound 5 freeway from Roxford Street in Sylmar to Lyons Avenue in Newhall, as of about 12:30 p.m. Sunday. SigAlert.com, a service run by the California Department of Transportation, estimates that traffic between Roxford Street and the State Route 14 interchange is moving between 5 and 11 mph.

The heavy congestion on the northbound 5 freeway has caused delays on the westbound 210 freeway and the northbound 405 freeway, as well.  

Traffic is heavy traveling north on the 405 from Rinaldi Street in Mission Hills and traveling west on the 210 from Roxford Street in Sylmar.  

The Signal will provide traffic updates throughout the day. 

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