Since 1965, Valencia Water Company has been committed to serving customers with high-quality, reliable water as cost-efficiently as possible.
Like most agencies in California, we review and project rates at three-year intervals. This process allows VWC to maintain a consistent operational and maintenance (O&M) program and provides customers with information about their water rates for the next three years.
That three-year cycle is now upon us. The transition toward a single retail water agency for the Santa Clarita Valley will begin next year. As those changes occur – and the transition will take time – there remain the daily O&M requirements of our water system. This continuity of service requires revenues.
Certainly, efficiencies will be realized with the merger of local water agencies, and some of those savings are included in our projected rate cycle.
Other recent VWC cost savings measures are already benefiting customers, such as reduced labor expenses through the use of electronic water meters.
However, O&M costs of our water system, as well as water supply costs, are increasing. These costs include ensuring water quality meets or exceeds all health standards.
These expenses also include proactive maintenance, including replacing pipes before they break and repairing pumps to ensure 24/7 operations. The last thing we need during this transitional period is an increase in pipeline breaks because of deferred maintenance.
Our daily operation’s costs are our daily costs. While we do everything we can to be cost-efficient, there are unavoidable costs to ensure delivery of high-quality water.
We must maintain the continuity of our system during the new water agency’s transition. Our priority is serving our customers.
To ensure continuity of service, we are proceeding with our general rate process. We are happy to answer customer questions or provide financial projections detailed in the comprehensive rate study.
Ken Petersen
General Manager
Valencia Water Company