Two dozen Agua Dulce homes wrongly mapped inside Antelope Valley

Snow falls in Agua Dulce On Jan. 23, 2017. (Courtesy: Shannon Henson)

At least a dozen Agua Dulce families went to bed Wednesday in the Antelope Valley and woke up Thursday morning in the Santa Clarita Valley.

When officials with the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Department recently discovered that 25 single-family parcels of land in Agua Dulce were within the Antelope Valley – and not inside the Santa Clarita Valley like others in the community – they decided to fix the mistake.

Not all of the 25 parcels of land are occupied. Some 12 to 22 parcels of land, however, are occupied.

On Wednesday, commissioners voted to correct existing maps that show a couple of dozen Agua Dulce parcels within areas defined on maps as being part of the Antelope Valley.

The correction now puts all Agua Dulce residents in the Santa Clarita Valley – as spelled out in the Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan.

“The policy and goals within the Santa Clarita plan is to have all of Agua Dulce included,” Susan Tae, supervising regional planner for the county’s north section told The Signal Monday.

“We wanted to make sure we had the correct maps to reflect that,” she said. “We take the mapping error seriously.”

Commissioners met Wednesday in Los Angeles at the Hall of Records on Temple Street.

“There was no testimony from the public and very little discussion from the Commission other than a comment that these changes are maintenance in nature,” Tae said.

In the end, the Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the re-mapping project to the Board of Supervisors which is expected to finalize the re-mapping.

The Board’s public hearing on the matter has yet to be scheduled.

Tae described Wednesday’s session as a housekeeping one called to examine “a series of “clean-up” matters as part of maintenance for the Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan.

Captured using high dynamic range settings, snow on the San Gabriel Mountains can be seen from Vasquez Rocks in Agua Dulce on Monday. Katharine Lotze/Signal

“In some cases, this involves (revisiting) the boundary between the Santa Clarita Plan and the Antelope Valley Area Plan,” she said.

Within the Agua Dulce Community Standards District – a county supplemental district plan to protect the secluded rural nature of the community – commissioners found that a portion of the district was split between both plans.

Wednesday’s action brought the 25 land parcels back into the Santa Clarita Valley fold.

“The plan boundaries are being adjusted so that all of the Agua Dulce Community Standards District is within the Santa Clarita Plan,” she said.


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