“Women Like Us,” a documentary directed by Valencia resident Sally Colón-Petree, features women from around the world making a difference in their communities.
“I want people to be inspired to be that person that says, ‘I’m not going to wait for someone else to do it,'” Colón-Petree said in the documentary. “I’m going to be that one that does it.”
The film seeks to motivate and educate viewers about the injustice many women face around the world, calling them to action using “compassion, courage and communication,” Gathr Films said in a statement.
In the documentary, Colón-Petree and E! News reporter Catt Sadler travel through the United States and Kenya to highlight 14 women’s efforts to enact change in issues of sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, teen suicide and education.
“Women Like Us” will be released across the U.S. with the collaboration of Dream on Productions, the Single Parents Alliance of America and Gathr Films.
The film will premiere in Thousand Oaks, Calif. on Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 7:10 p.m. at Janss Marketplace 9.
The screening in Valencia at Edwards Cinemas on Thursday, Nov. 30th at 7:10 p.m. is already sold out.
View the movie trailer here.
For more information, visit womenlikeusfoundation.org.