Grand Theft Auto- 26900 block of Sierra Highway
Person(s) unknown stole the victim’s vehicle while it parked in a parking lot near the above location.
Robbery- 26400 block of Carl Boyer Drive
Two suspects entered a business near the above location, selected store items and while exited the store were confronted by store employees. During the confrontation, the suspects and store employees fought over the stolen items. The suspect were able to exit to store and run away with some of the property. A short time later, deputies searching the area located the suspects and the store property. The suspects were arrested.
Grand Theft- 20800 block of Centre Pointe Parkway
Person(s) unknown stole approximately $1000.00 in coins from a vending machine near the above location.
Petty Theft- 19200 block of Via Princessa
Person(s) unknown siphoned an unknown amount of gasoline from a carpool van near the above location.
Source: SCV Sheriff’s Station