Newhall Board to review district’s budget

The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal
The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal

The Newhall School District Governing Board is expected to review changes to the district’s budget that include increases in revenue and expenses, a decline in enrollment and changes to state and federal funding.

This First Interim Budget Report for the 2017-18 fiscal year details the financial condition of the district as of Oct. 31 and includes any budget adjustments during the same timeframe.

Despite changes to the overall budget, the district is expected to receive a positive certification for its first interim report.

Overall, the ending fund balance decreased from approximately $9.4 million to $8.6 million due to $1.5 million in increased expenditures.

The reserve for economic uncertainties also declined to 11.83 percent, from 13.53 percent, totaling $7.9 million.

Major changes to revenue included adjustments to local, state and federal resources that totaled $359,097.  Major changes to expenditures included salaries, benefits, books and materials, services and operating expenses, capital outlay and transfer out totaled $1,531,498.

Another change was a decrease in the overall student enrollment by 177 students.  Previously, the district projected enrollment to decline by only 140 students.

This change impacts the district’s revenue from the state, which is based on overall enrollment as well as overall student attendance.

The district’s enrollment is also projected to decline in 2018-19 and 2019-20 according to the district’s expectations.

In the future, the district expects to receive additional funding from the Local Control Funding Formula due to the state’s eight-year implementation of the plan.

The district also expects to see a decrease in staff in the upcoming years due to a decline in enrollment and an increase in employee salaries and related benefits (STRS/PERS).

Professional Development

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Governing Board is also expected to approve of two professional development opportunities for staff at McGrath Elementary School and at Valencia Valley Elementary School.

For McGrath Elementary, the board is expected to approve of an agreement with Illuminate Education, Inc. to address the change in overall student demographics and the link between social-emotional well being and academic success.

The program through Illuminate Education is expected to “build a student and adult culture of acceptance and respect that support students’ success and adults’ contribution to that success.”

Through this $10,000 agreement, staff will be given motivational speeches, a needs assessment of the school, data analysis and multi-year action plan.

The board is also expected to approve of a three-day conference trip to the PLC Summit in Phoenix for seven staff members from the Valencia Valley Instructional Leadership Team.

During the conference, presented by Solution Tree, staff will expand their expertise and understanding of the most current research focused on improving the educational experience for all.

Additional Agenda Items:

  • Approve of recommendation to appoint Martha Kampbell to fill one vacancy on the Measure E Citizens’ Oversight Committee
  • Approve of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with RISE Educational Services to provide personnel, transportation and programming to the McGrath Elementary School ASES program for the remainder of the year
  • Approve of Single Plan for Student Achievement for Newhall Elementary School, Old Orchard Elementary School and Stevenson Ranch Elementary School
  • Conduct a second reading of revised board policies and administrative regulations: Chronic Absence and Truancy; Education of Children of Military Families; and District School Attendance Review Board
  • Conduct a third reading and adoption of revised board policy and administrative regulation: Before and After School Programs
  • Conduct a discussion of an agreement with the city of Santa Clarita related to the Newhall Family Theater for the Performing Arts at Newhall Elementary School
  • Approve of the User Guide, Rental Fees, Application for Facility Use and Rental Agreement documents for the Newhall Family Theater for the Performing Arts
  • Approve of Change Orders to Link Nilsen Corp, RDM Electric and Harik Construction for the Newhall Elementary Auditorium Renovation

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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_

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