I suppose in bygone days, when most, if not all, major media outlets were run by liberal editors, a Trump hit-piece as biased and economical with the truth as the one in Thursday’s Signal written by Steve and Cokie Roberts could be accepted as print-worthy. Today, not so much.
Anyone willing to invest a little time in fact-checking can find many reasons to suspect Robert Mueller’s objectivity lacking in credibility.
The leadership of the FBI and DOJ is compromised by the agencies’ many e-mails and relationships attesting to their anti-Trump bias and co-ordination in accepting, at face value, the infamous “Dossier,” paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee in violation of campaign finance laws.
The year of investigation into Trump’s “collusion” by various sub-committees has found nothing, even as the president denies his intent to fire Mueller. Still, the Roberts columnists, who certainly know better, offer up transparent Democrat propaganda for the low-information voter. Sad.
Richard La Motte