Old Town Newhall Farmers Market
What: New location, new day and new hours. California farmers and specialty food purveyors come together each Saturday, rain or shine, to bring you the finest in fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, including organic, baked goods, flowers, herbs, cheeses, and prepared foods. The Market offers patrons a chance to come face to face with their food source.
When: Saturdays, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Where: Corner of Lyons Avenue and Railroad Avenue, Newhall
More info: Further info contact: [email protected], 661-799-3693. An abundance of free parking is available.
Saugus Farmers Market (April through October)
What: Fresh produce grown by local growers and farms. Farmers, Crafters, cooked food and more.
When: Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Where: Bouquet Canyon Church, 27000 Bouquet Canyon Rd., Santa Clarita
More info: For vendor information please call, Leonard Lozano, 661-670-9978.
Placerita Nature Center Walk and Live Animal Presentation
What: Come to Placerita Canyon with your family on Saturdays. This is an easy 1-hour walk exploring the area’s natural and cultural history. The nature walk is planned to be fun for the whole family. If time permits, stay for the Native Live Animal Presentation.
When: Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., Live Animal Presentation, 1 p.m.
Where: Placerita Nature Center, 19152 Placerita Canyon Rd., Newhall
Cost: Free
More info: 661-259-7721, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tues-Sun.
Crafterday Saturdays (Weather Permitting)
What: Free guided tour and free craftin’ fun. Set up right outside the Mansion’s back door, on the covered back patio, is the new weekly Crafterday Saturday craft table. Activities are geared towards younger participants, K-5th grade, but anyone who enjoys crafts will have a grand ol’ time.
When: Saturdays at 11 a.m. except inclement weather days.
Where: William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Ave., Newhall
Cost: The cost is Free and all are welcome.
More info: For questions about Crafterday Saturday, please call the Museum at 661-254-4584 or email: [email protected].
Newhall Aquarium
What: Kid friendly interactive experience.
When: Open to the public Sat & Sun 3-5 p.m. Groups of 15 or more, please call for weekday appointments.
Where: 24631 Arch Street, Newhall
Cost: Donation of $5 per person at the door.
More info: 661-220-5512
Ventura County Certified Farmers Market
What: Ventura County Certified Farmers Market invites Santa Clarita community members to peruse the produce of 57 farmers.
When: Sundays,
8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Where: College of the Canyons, Parking Lot 5, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd., Valencia
More info: Email: [email protected], Telephone: 805-529-6266
Fundraising Bingo at the Santa Clarita Elks Lodge
What: Bingo on Sunday and Thursdays, and the community is invited. This charity fundraiser benefits many organizations. On Thursdays, the Santa Clarita Emblem Club serves delicious food for purchase. Sunday breakfast starting at 9 a.m., or buy hot dogs on Sunday afternoon. Win cash and prizes, and know your contributions are improving the quality of lives for others in our community. Please note: There is no bingo on Super Bowl Sunday, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.
When: Sundays: Breakfast 9 a.m. Bingo game starts at 1 p.m.
Thursdays: doors 4 p.m. game starts at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Santa Clarita Elks Lodge 2379, 17766 Sierra Hwy., Santa Clarita
Cost: $20 for first pack and $5 each additional pack. Pull tabs and a few progressive games are also available.
More info: For questions please call 661-251-1500. Website: Minimum age of players is 18 years. Bingo is not available on some holidays. Check with Elks Office for schedule.
Joy Bible Study- (September 11 through April, 30, 2018)
What: This is a non-denominational Bible study for women. No childcare available.
When: Mondays, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Where: Grace Baptist Church, 22833 Copper Hill Dr., Santa Clarita
Cost: Free
More info: Please call Fran Padgett, 661-600-3798
Mindfulness Class
What: Through a guided mindfulness meditation practice and brief discussion, we will explore various mindfulness practices that can be applied to your day-to-day life. Chairs and supportive mats, blankets and cushions are provided. If you have a preference, you may bring your own cushion or mat.
When: Mondays 5-6 p.m.
Where: Education Center at Henry Mayo Fitness and Health, 24525 Town Center Drive, Valencia
Cost: Free
More info: Registration is required. To register please call 661-200-2300 or visit
DBSA (National Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) Meetings
What: We are a caring group of intelligent and artistic individuals (peers/consumers) who hold open, free support group meetings and offer a variety of written information. Our focus is on self-help which is offered in a safe, accepting, non-judgmental, and confidential peer-to-peer environment.
When: Mondays, 7-9 p.m.
Where: Temple Beth Ami, 23023 Hilse Ln., Santa Clarita
Cost: Free
More info: Please contact Jeff Fox at 818-850-DBSA (3272), or email at [email protected]
Tesoro Walk & Exercise Club
What: A new year-round program to encourage walking & exercise. Program begins on January 23.
When: Tuesdays, 9 a.m.
Where: Tesoro Adobe Historic Park, 29350 Avenida Rancho Tesoro, Valencia
Cost: Free
More info: 661-702-8953
A Light of Hope Support Groups
What: For substance abuse issues, addiction, cutting, anxiety and any other self-destructive action or behaviors. Offering parent support group meetings and youth/young adult (ages 14-26) group meetings weekly, as well as FREE weekend Alternative Peer Group activities and a Drop in Center on Thursday’s at 5:30 pm. Also available Family and Individual Counseling, Treatment Referrals and Interventions.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8:30 p.m.
Where: SAVIA Community Center, 23780 Newhall Ave., Suite 201, Newhall, CA
Contact info: Tim Traurig, 661-513-HEAL (4325), [email protected]
1 Million Cups Santa Clarita – Coffee and Conversations
What: Join 1 Million Cups Santa Clarita in cooperation with the Kaufmann Foundation for a weekly event that brings together entrepreneurs over coffee and conversations. This is a free community forum for supporting entrepreneurship.
When: Wednesdays, 8 – 10 a.m.
Where: Steamwork Center, #360, 28638 Constellation Rd., Santa Clarita
Cost: Free
More info:
Just Drawing at the ARTree
What: Come to the ARTree Community Arts Center for an unsupervised chance to draw at your leisure using objects and models. Just bring a pencil and paper.
When: Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Where: ARTree Community Arts Center, 22508 6th Street, Newhall
Cost: $5 donation
More info:
Nar-Anon Meeting
What: A worldwide fellowship and a 12-step program for FAMILY and FRIENDS of ADDICTS that gives support by Sharing our Experience, Strength, and Hope.
When: Thursdays 7 p.m.
Where: Santa Clarita Center for Spiritual Living, 18364 Soledad Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita
More info:, 800-477-6291
A Light of Hope Support Groups
What: Offering parent support group meetings and youth/young adult (ages 14-26) group meetings weekly, as well as weekend Alternative Peer Group activities.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8:30 p.m.
Where: SAVIA Community Center, 23780 Newhall Ave., Suite 201, Newhall, CA
Contact info: Tim Traurig, 661-513-HEAL (4325) [email protected]
Addiction Recovery Support Group
What: SMART Recovery, Self-Management and Recovery Training is a science-based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid in their recovery from all types of addictive behavior.
When: Fridays, 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: Room #3, Valencia United Methodist Church 25718 McBean Pkwy, Valencia
Cost: Free, donations accepted
More info: Email [email protected], call 661-977-1385 or visit
William S. Hart Walking/Hiking Club
What: Come join us and make new friends. Enjoy healthy exercise and have some fun too, while hiking 3 to 6 miles in Santa Clarita’s various hiking trails and beautiful open spaces.
When: Fridays, 9 – 11 a.m.
Where: William S. Hart Regional Park, 24151 Newhall Ave., Newhall
Cost: Free, register anytime.
More info: Laurie Bevington, 661-259-1750 or 661-702-8953
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed to Count the Homeless in Santa Clarita
Volunteers are needed to help count Santa Clarita Valley’s homeless population as part of the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The homeless count is organized annually by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA). Volunteers are needed to assist with a point-in-time count, an unduplicated count on a single night of people in the community who are experiencing homelessness that includes both sheltered and unsheltered populations. Santa Clarita Valley’s count will take place on January 23 with training taking place at 7 p.m. and the count beginning promptly at 8 p.m. During the registration process, volunteers will be assigned to report to one of two sites for training: The Centre, located at 20880 Centre Pointe Parkway or the Mental Health America of Los Angeles, Military Resource Center, located at 24885 Railroad Avenue. Volunteers will be paired into teams and drive to designated areas within Santa Clarita Valley to conduct visual tallies of individuals who are homeless. The time commitment is roughly three to four hours. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. To volunteer, please register at For questions, please call the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority at 213-683-3333 or Jennifer Del Toro, Management Analyst for the City of Santa Clarita, at 661-286-4030.
The ARTree is looking for Fully-Clothed Models for our Drawing Group…
Any gender, any body type. Any age adults or teenagers with parental permission.
These models are needed for our adult drawing group, held on the first, second, and third Thursday of each month between 6-9 p.m. We need models for individual sessions, or for multiple sessions. We will pay you $30 per session.
Please contact us if interested, at 661-673-7500, or at [email protected]
If you’re interested in drawing with the group anytime, just drop by! No advance registration required, and the cost is $10 per session
Help the Children Seeks Help
Help the Children Santa Clarita is seeking assistance for the struggling children and their families in the SCV. We have three immediate needs that enable us to give that hand-up to our community members in need. If you have a truck, SUV or minivan, and you also have time, we need drivers to help pick-up donations. If you are retired, semi-retired or just care about others, please consider helping us as a driver. If you are financially blessed, please consider donating. We are touching the lives of 10,000 families with our resources each year; we can only do that with your help. The average cost is $11 per family per year.
Our resources are limited to SCV families at or below the poverty line, single parents, and families escaping abuse, veterans and the homeless. We are also in short supply of peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit, canned meats such as chili/stew/hash, canned pastas and both hot and cold cereals.
For more information on these opportunities to keep Santa Clarita hunger-free, or how you can partner with our community outreach, please contact Help the Children at either 661-702-8852 or email [email protected]. Help the Children, 25030 Avenue Tibbitts, Suite L, Valencia, CA 91355.
SCV Food Pantry Volunteer Substitute Drivers Needed
What: The SCV Food Pantry needs substitute/or on call volunteer drivers to pick up donations from local markets and businesses. Drivers must have a valid California driver’s license, the ability to lift 50 lbs. and the willingness to help those less fortunate in the Santa Clarita Valley. Substitute/or on call drivers are asked to fill in when the regularly scheduled drivers are not available. Join the best group of volunteers in the Santa Clarita Valley and help your neighbors in need.
When: Regularly scheduled pick-ups are made Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. -12 p.m.
More info: Contact the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry at 661-255-9078 or [email protected].
SCV Senior Center Seeking Volunteers
What: The Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center needs volunteers to pack lunches for the homebound elderly.
When: Any day, Monday through Friday
Where: 22900 Market Street, Santa Clarita
More info: To volunteer, contact Robin at 661-259-9444 or [email protected].
Read With Me Program Seeks Volunteers
What: SCV Education Foundation Read with Me! Program is seeking volunteers to assist young children with their reading skills in local public school classrooms. Working one-on-one or in small groups you’ll read with students, helping them with vocabulary, comprehension and fluency. Share your love of reading.
When: One to two days a week, one to two hours a day.
Where: Local public elementary schools.
Cost: Free
More info: [email protected]
Carousel Ranch Seeking Volunteers
What: Carousel Ranch located in Agua Dulce, is a non-profit organization which provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons to children with special needs. We rely on wonderful volunteers. Please join us. Must be 15 or older.
When: Volunteer times are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. or anytime in-between for at least 2 hours
More info: Please call Carousel Ranch at 661-268-8010, and ask for Gail.
Swan Center Outreach
What: Swan Center Outreach located in Castaic is a non-profit organization which provides spiritually minded individuals with knowledge and experiences with horses that lead to higher levels of awareness, balance and the fulfillment of one’s purpose. Volunteers are needed to assist in general farm chores. Children 9 years to adult. Younger than 9 or special needs may be eligible pending an interview to determine their ability to safely participate. Horse handlers are also needed but must complete at least two 4-hour days as a general volunteer and complete a Horse Handler Volunteer Training Class.
More info: Times and classes vary. Please call 661-425-9219 or email [email protected].