Amid confusion over schools receiving threats, local officials are making it clear – Valencia High School in Santa Clarita did not receive a threat this morning.
The fogginess set in when erroneous news reports circulated Friday morning claiming that Valencia High in Santa Clarita had received a threat, but Hart school district public relations officer Dave Caldwell said that’s not the case.
Caldwell began fielding calls this morning about the matter but immediately set the record straight – a Valencia High is grappling with an investigation into online threats, but that school is in Orange County, not Santa Clarita.
School officials made an attempt to lift the fog by sending out an email to parents concerned over the matter.
“You may have heard this morning of a threat to Valencia High School. There is not an active threat at Valencia High School, Valencia, CA.,” the email read.
“We have been in contact with the sheriffs and the media. We do not have an active threat here,” the statement continued.
Several Southern California schools received online threats overnight in locations across Los Angeles and Orange counties. None of those school were in the Santa Clarita Valley.