Saugus district to update schools’ exterior locks

Saugus Union School District office. Dan Watson/The Signal

Some Saugus Union School District schools will soon have electronic lock systems on their doors in order to approve safety and security on campus.

“The electronic door locks allow the main office of a school to lockdown the campus at the press of a button,” Saugus Governing Board President Chris Trunkey said.

The new locking systems are part of the district’s larger Facilities Comprehensive Master Plan and a Measure EE project to provide additional security at each school site.

At the upcoming Saugus Governing Board meeting, the board is expected to approve of five different contracts to add the electronic locks at Bridgeport Elementary School, Emblem Elementary School, North Park Elementary School, Tesoro del Valle Elementary School and West Creek Academy.

Four out of five of the contracts are with Redrock Security & Cabling, Inc. The work at North Park is expected to be completed by Kratos Public Safety & Security Solutions, Inc.

At each site, the work will consist of replacing existing locks on exterior doors with electronic locks.

The Governing Board is also expected to review a contract with ConverageOne Inc. to update the PA system James Foster Elementary School.

The Measure EE project is also part of the Facilities Comprehensive Master Plan and would replace the existing PA system and aging bell system at the school.

This new system would use the existing speaking system footprint and match with the district’s new cloud-based technology.

Measure EE Audit

An annual audit of the Measure EE Bond Measure found that the Saugus district properly accounted for its expenditures and only used the bond funds for authorized projects, like facility improvements and technology upgrades.

“The audit is procedural and required,” Trunkey said. “We continue to move forward with Measure EE projects at many of our campuses that include safety and security upgrades and new classroom buildings, among other projects.”

The 2016-17 financial and performance audit found that the district spent the largest sums of bond money on computer and technology services and building improvements.

Ongoing projects in the district in 2018 and 2019 include ongoing district project support/special projects, state new construction and modernization eligibility, lobby remodels and single points of entry work, and reconfiguring the front of schools for a single point of entry.

The Governing Board is expected to review this annual financial and performance during its meeting Tuesday.

Additional Agenda Items:

  • Conduct third reading and adoption of board policies and administrative regulations: Community Relations – Access to District Records and Parent Involvement
  • Conduct first reading of board policy and administrative regulation: Environmental Education and Board Bylaws Code of Conduct
  • Approve Sun Country Playgrounds contract for removal of mulch and dirt, purchase and installation of synthetic turf at Mountainview Elementary School
  • Approve ACCO Engineered Systems contract for HVAC system repair at Bridgeport Elementary School

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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_

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