City of Santa Clarita hosting PSA contest for local teens


For students looking to show off their video production skills, earn money toward video equipment and promote safe driving, the city of Santa Clarita is holding a PSA video contest, organizers said this week.

The city’s “Heads Up! Teen Video Contest” is offering a total of $10,000 in prizes to local teens for creating a 30- to 60-second video for teenage drivers. The video should highlight the importance of distraction-free, safe teen driving.

The contest is part of the “Heads Up” campaign, led by the City of Santa Clarita and in  partnership with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station. The goal of the campaign is to combat unsafe behavior in local drivers and pedestrians.

For the top-three selections, the city is offering gift cards for B&H Photo Video. The first place winner will receive a $5,000 gift card and will have their video shown in movie theaters throughout Santa Clarita for five weeks, a $2,500 value. Second place will be awarded a $2,000 gift card and third place will receive a $500 gift card.

The contest is only open to William S. Hart  Union School District junior high and high school students.

Contest submissions are due by April 30, at 5 p.m. Winners will be announced on May 18.

Those looking for information on the “Heads Up! Teen Video Contest,” such as official rules and how to apply, can go to or contact Nick Robles at [email protected] or 661-255-4306.

The information in this article was provided in a press release by the City of Santa Clarita

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