Looking for a fun night of stargazing? The Local Group Astronomy Club of Santa Clarita is organizing a free public Star Party at Vasquez Rocks Natural Area.
According to organizers, a large number of amateur astronomers will attend the event with a large number of telescopes, allowing residents to look at planets, nebulae and galaxies with their own eyes.
Attendees are asked to arrive before sundown (7:23 p.m.), and park in the lot next to the big rocks with their headlights facing away from the telescopes. All park rules, such as no alcohol on the premises, apply.
The Local Group is also holding a free telescope workshop beginning at  5:30 p.m. prior to the event. Residents are invited to bring their old scopes, and the astronomy group will try to get them working.
The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, April 14. Those interested can find more information at lgscv.org/events/376.