Super Jazz At The Ranch Is Back!

Jazz music will echo through the halls of West Ranch High School as its music program hosts the Super Jazz at the Ranch Festival on May 18, Dan Watson / The Signal

By Signal Staff

Super Jazz at the Ranch, a daylong jazz festival hosted by West Ranch High School, is happening Saturday, May 19. Music will fill the air as performers from throughout the region showcase their talents.

The event will be studded with dazzling musical performances, competitions and clinics. Music begins at 9 a.m.

All day general admission to Super Jazz at the Ranch is $10, and admission for students and seniors is $7. Food concessions will be available on site.

West Ranch High School is located at 26255 Valencia Blvd., in Santa Clarita.

For additional information, contact Brian Leff, Director of Jazz Studies, West Ranch High School, at [email protected].

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