Missing eighth-grade teacher found safe

Courtesy photo: Los Angles County Sheriff's Department Facebook page

Castaic Middle School teacher Reuben Sherr was found after going missing earlier this week, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reported Saturday.

“We are happy to announce that Mr. Sherr, the missing CMS teacher, has been found by local law enforcement,” said Steve Doyle, Castaic Union School District superintendent, in an email to parents and staff after Sherr was discovered. “He is being treated for an undisclosed medical condition. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers during this difficult week.”

Sherr was found by residents along the 25000 block of The Old Road in Santa Clarita, Lt. Leo Bauer said. Residents in the area found Sherr and notified authorities soon after.

An eighth-grade teacher, Sherr was last seen Monday preparing for his classroom for the new school, according to previous Signal reporting.

The Sheriff’s Department shared the missing persons report Friday via a missing persons flyer.

“People who saw the flyer that we distributed (Friday) through Facebook helped to identify and call in where he was,” Bauer explained.

He was taken to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, he added. The cause of why Sherr went missing is still under investigation, Bauer said.

This is a breaking news story. We will update as soon as we receive more information.

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