Alleged indecent conduct inside Newhall store sparks concern

LASD car. Signal file photo.
LASD car. Signal file photo.

Reports of a man masturbating inside a Newhall store in front of a 10-year-old girl prompted the girl’s mother to call the cops and warn other moms.

The incident happened shortly after 5:15 p.m. Thursday inside the Dollar Tree store on Newhall Avenue, a block north of Valle del Oro.

When asked about the incident, a woman working at the Dollar Tree store, who identified herself as a manager but would not disclose her name, said: “We are not allowed to talk about it.”

Deputies with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station responded to the call, according to store owners in the plaza who were contacted by The Signal. Sheriff’s Station officials could not confirm reports of the incident as of Friday afternoon.

The mother described the suspect as: brown skin, black hair, balding, pudgy, black T-shirt, wearing blue jeans, black shoes and a rope belt.

The incident motivated the woman of the victimized girl to post her story on social media in a bid to warn others and prevent a repeat incident.

In turn, concerned parents reading the post shared the news with others.

The offended mother’s post reads:

“Parents, I just wanted to let you know of a terrible situation that happened tonight to my kids.; I was at the Dollar Tree on Newhall Avenue in the Starbucks plaza around 5:15 p.m.


“My daughter is 10 and my son is 12. They wandered an aisle away from me and the(n) separated. A man followed my daughter for three aisles. She notices he was close to her and she looked up and he had pulled out his penis and was masturbating. She bolted for me.  As she told me what happened, and that’s when he must have run out.


“Three cops came and they searched the store and he was gone. I am so sad and sick over this. I am praying that he is caught and nobody else has to deal with something like this or if you have any info, you can help.”


The parent wrote that she was “doing everything that I know to do but wanted to make you all aware.” Her efforts included contacting nearby stores for potential security footage of the suspect.


“Hug your kids close,” she wrote on Facebook, “and keep watch over each other.”


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