Annual cornhole tournament held at Wolf Creek Brewery

Byron Sanders stands behind his daughter as she tosses a bean bag at the annual corn hole tournament at Wolf Creek on Sunday. Ryan Mancini/The Signal

Nearly triple-digit heat didn’t stop the fun in support of Avenues Supported Living Services’ second annual cornhole tournament at Wolf Creek Brewery on Saturday afternoon.

Contestants were split into 25 different teams. As the games progressed, the top-eight teams went into a single-elimination round, resulting in a first-, second- and third-place winner.

“My boyfriend and our friend are competing,” said Taylor Lipman, who sat with the team “mascot,” her dog Denny. “We’re just here because we love cornhole and we love the cause, so we wanted to be a part of it.”

Owned by Ben Budhu, SCV Cornhole worked with Scott and Lori Shepard, founders of Avenues SLS, to organize the event, one of several which Budhu holds at Wolf Creek throughout the year.

Founded in 1997, Avenues SLS is a nonprofit focused on providing support services for people with disabilities who want to live and work in their own communities.

“My favorite part is the fundraisers, the charity events for different organizations around town,” Budhu said. “It really helps the community.”

Along with the cornhole games, guests could sign up for the silent auction and participate in a “T.rex Run,” pitting two to four people to race each other while wearing inflated Tyrannosaurus rex costumes. Snacks, barbecue samples and beer from Wolf Creek were also available.

“We support a lot of people who have been marginalized in the past, who have lived in state hospital settings or places that really weren’t appropriate for them,” said Scott Shepard, executive director of Avenues. “And we help people get access to their community and have the lives they want in a nutshell.”

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