The Castaic Union School District announced Wednesday that it has hired a new director of student support services, responsible for the oversight of the district’s special education supports and resources.
Kim Tredick will assume her new position Wednesday after stepping down from her position in the Sulphur Springs Union School District, where she served multiple roles during two stints in the district.
Having served most recently as a director of curriculum and instruction, Tredick has more than 30 years’ experience as an administrator and teacher in kindergarten through sixth-grade classrooms, Castaic Union Superintendent Steve Doyle said. “Ms. Tredick’s passion is education,” and she is especially passionate about ensuring that instructional programs meet the needs of all students.
“She believes that our responsibility as educators is to ensure that all students are engaged in meaningful learning all day, every day,” which is why she was awarded the Milken Family Foundation National Educator award in 2006 for her work with special education students, English learners and gifted students, Doyle said.
“Differentiation continues to be her area of expertise,” Doyle said, and she will continue to work with school districts, county offices, state departments and other organizations that are willing to collaborate with teachers, administrators and school communities in developing, implementing and evaluating instructional programs.