Lackey wins re-election with 12 point lead on challenger Fox

Tom Lackey

Assemblyman Tom Lackey, R-Palmdale, won re-election on Tuesday night over his Democratic challenger Steve Fox in their third consecutive rematch.

Lackey won 56 percent of the vote, and Fox won 44 percent after all 292 precincts were counted throughout the 36th Assembly District, which includes parts of the Santa Clarita Valley.

“Last night was an indication that there are a lot of close races, and the fact is that maybe it will be days, if not weeks, until we know who won many of the statewide races,” Lackey said Wednesday. “That said, I’m thankful to have the margin I’m looking at right now, and I just have to believe it’s the result of a lot of hard work and voter outreach.

“I feel fortunate,” he said of his re-election to a third term. “And I look forward to a very engaging set of challenges in the months ahead.”

Fox was elected in 2012 and served one term in the Assembly until 2014.

On Tuesday afternoon, Fox said the race would likely not be over for many weeks after the election due to an influx of uncounted provisional and late absentee ballots.

“There are still other votes to be counted,” Fox said. “When I won in 2012, it was at the end of the month, when all the ballots were accounted for.”

He could not be reached for comment on Tuesday night or Wednesday.



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