Relay for Life kick-off coming to Santa Clarita Lanes ahead of annual May event

A cancer survivor places his hand print along side others in the 2018 wall of survivors/Skylar Barti The Signal

Months ahead of their annual Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society will hold a kickoff event at Santa Clarita Lanes on Jan. 13.

“This is one of our bigger events that hasn’t been a fundraiser in the past,” said event organizer Cass Stauffer. “So this is the first year where we’re doing (the kick-off as) a fundraiser.”

The event has 15 lanes already sold, with five more still available. Teams can be made up from small businesses, groups of friends or families. One team, “Bosom Buddies,” is a support group from within the local ACS chapter.

“We’re all there for each other,” Stauffer said. “We’re kind of another support group to come together, whether our loved ones are with us – we have hope. I always go back to hope. It’s gotten myself through a lot of hard things. Cancer alone is a big and scary word, and we want everyone to have the right resources.”

Bowling starts at 2:30 p.m. and lunch will be provided. Cost to play is $25 per person, $120 per five-person team. There will be a raffle to win gift certificates donated to the event.

To sign up, email [email protected].

The next Relay for Life is scheduled May 18-19, though it will not be the full 24 hours as in the past. Through other fundraising activities during the year, those missing hours will be accounted for to make the full 24-hour time period typically dedicated to Relay for Life.

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