Old Orchard Elementary to have Peak before/after school program

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The parents of Old Orchard Elementary will have a Peak before and after school day program made available to them, according to officials with the Newhall School District.

The YMCA had left the school’s campus three years ago, due to their building not meeting code compliance, according to Old Orchard principal Ken Hintz.

But after working with other school sites from around the district on their after-school programs, in addition to running a GATE class at Old Orchard during the day, school administrators and district faculty and staff are now comfortable with moving forward with Peak as a provider of before- and after-school day programs.

Peak Programs Inc., in addition to the after school and before school daycare they’re planning to provide next year at Old Orchard, has also begun to run a fee-based STEM  enrichment after-school class open to anyone wanting to sign up, according to Hintz.

In terms of the daycare, Peak is likely going to provide daycare “before school will start at 6:30 a.m. and go to before school starts at 7:55 a.m.,” Hintz said. “(And) after school (from) 2:40 p.m. to 6:00 or 6:30 p.m.”

The after-school enrichment classes are scheduled to go for 45 minutes to an hour after 2:40 p.m. dismissal, Hintz added.

And although he did not know the total number of students enrolled in Peak programs throughout the district, Hintz did say he believes a return to daycare on site at Old Orchard means not having children take a bus offsite.

“It means there will be an early  drop off and late pick up for working parents,” said Hintz.For more information about Peak Program Inc., visit their website at www.peak-adventure.com.

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