Organization names Knight fifth most effective lawmaker

Congressman Steve Knight answers questions at a town hall at the Rancho Santa Susana Community Center in Simi Valley on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Knight announced he was considering a run in the special election for the seat Katie Hill is expected to vacate shortly. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

Former Rep. Steve Knight was recently rated by The Center for Effective Lawmaking as the fifth most effective lawmaker during the 115th session of Congress.

The scores were based on a combination of 15 metrics regarding the bills that members of Congress sponsor, how far they move through the lawmaking process and how important their policy proposals are, according to the center’s website.

Knight managed to secure a score of 4.657, which was nearly double that of the highest scoring Democrat Eleanor Norton, who’s served 14 terms and scored a 2.379.

“Knight chaired the Subcommittee on Contracting and Workforce within the Small Business Committee, putting forward the Small Business Investment Opportunity Act of 2017, the No Hero Left Untreated Act, as well as laws expediting security clearance processes and promoting internships for women and underrepresented minorities in aerospace fields,” the website states. “Consistent with studies suggesting that voters are largely unaware of the lawmaking effectiveness of members of the House of Representatives, both Knight and (another high scoring representative) were voted out of office in the November 2018 elections, despite their lawmaking effectiveness.”

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