A threat directed at a Santa Clarita high school that surfaced on social media overnight was deemed “not credible,” according to law enforcement officials.
The post, which apparently included photos of firearms, involved a comment with a threat targeting Canyon High School, according to Shirley Miller, spokeswoman for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.
Detectives with the station’s COBRA team and school resource deputies investigated the matter early Friday morning and identified a student suspected to have posted the threat, Miller confirmed.
Detectives investigating the incident determined the threat appeared to be a “copycat incident,” the spokeswoman said, referring to at least two other similar incidents from this week.
The school was not locked down because investigators had at least one student was detained in connection with the investigation and was held for questioning, Miller confirmed.
At 8:44 a.m., the sheriff’s station posted a statement to Twitter summarizing that the situation was still under investigation.
Miller cautioned parents and encouraged them to start a dialogue with their children about the seriousness of what they post online and the repercussions that come with it.