Cyclist badly injured after falling next to Golden Valley Road

A cyclist was injured after falling off their bike on Golden Valley Road Saturday. Caleb Lunetta / The Signal.

A cyclist was transported to the hospital after falling from his bike on the side of Golden Valley Road Saturday, according to Los Angeles County Fire Department officials.

“A person fell off their bike,” said Austin Bennett, a spokesman with the Fire Department.

The call came in at 1:14 p.m.

The injured cyclist was then transported to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital with significant injuries. Caleb Lunetta / The Signal.

Officials on the scene reported that the biker was quickly heading down the hill when he fell off. As the cyclist was lifted onto a stretcher to be taken away from the scene, witnesses reported seeing blood on the pavement.

The incident, a couple hundred yards from the Golden Valley Road and Centre Pointe Parkway intersection, resulted in traffic in the right hand lane to be temporarily impeded and traffic to be slowed until first responders cleared the scene.

The status of the cyclist was unknown as of the publication of this article.

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