Hart District provides updates on 2019-20 local control accountability plan


The William S. Hart Union High School District governing board received a review of its 2019-20 local control accountability plan from district staff Wednesday night.

Delivered by Jan Daisher, director of special programs and professional development, and developed with input from teachers, administrators, parents and students, the LCAP goals include:

  • Ensure all students have access to highly qualified teachers, school site guidance counselors, Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned textbooks and materials, and safe and uncrowded school facilities in good repair.
  • Increase and improve student achievement by providing rigorous and CCSS aligned curriculum and instruction in English, math and social studies, and Next Generation Science Standards.
  • Increase the number of students prepared for college and career by enrolling students in a broad course of rigorous study that includes career pathways and career technical education courses.
  • Cultivate a safe and positive school culture that supports all students’ personal and academic growth and encourages parent engagement.

To assess their success, Daisher said, the district and state look at indicators, including: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress; test scores in English and math; college and career readiness; chronic absenteeism; suspension rate; graduation rate; and English learner progress.

Students have maintained a good performance status in five of the six indicators and maintained in the sixth.

“The district scores on all six state indicators are above the state average for each and every category,” the report reads.

The district continues to progress in increasing student achievement, as indicated by 15 of the 16 schools in the district, except the continuation high school, scoring very high or high on progress in English. Mathematics district-wide maintained its standard score from last year without significant change, 36.4 points above the state average, the report said.

The areas of highest concern, Daisher said, are English and math for students with disabilities, English learners and foster youth; college and career preparedness for foster youth, homeless and African American students; and suspension rates for foster youth and homeless students.

The district laid out 43 actions and services, 21 of which support all students, with 22 providing specific support for English learners, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, homeless students and foster youth.

President Bob Jensen said it was a “very good presentation,” and board member Steve Sturgeon called it excellent. Board members Cherise Moore and Linda Storli thanked staff for the presentation, but asked for clarification on goal three and that the funding mechanisms for career readiness be more clearly noted.

To view the full LCAP, visit https://williamshart.agendaonline.net/public/Meeting/Attachments/DisplayAttachment.aspx?AttachmentID=1041700&IsArchive=0

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