Suspected ‘prank’ draws numerous SCV deputies

Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies gear up for a reported hostage situation on the 25800 block of Anderson Lane in Stevenson Ranch Thursday night. Cory Rubin/The Signal

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies responded to a report of a possible gunshot wound victim being held at ransom in Stevenson Ranch on Thursday evening — which is now suspected to be “a prank,” according to station officials.

A Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputy gears up for a reported hostage situation on the 25800 block of Anderson Lane in Stevenson Ranch Thursday night. Cory Rubin/The Signal

Fire officials were on scene at the 25000 block of Anderson Lane at approximately 9:20 p.m. 

A Los Angeles County Fire Department spokesperson confirmed there was no one transported from the address for the treatment of injuries. 

By about 9:40 p.m., there were numerous Sheriff’s Department vehicles “staked out around the house,” according to Shirley Miller, spokeswoman for the SCV Sheriff’s Station.

The situation was cleared around 10 p.m., according to Miller.

 “Nobody is home,” she said. “At this point, they’re believing it’s a prank.”

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