Education is the path to success and prestige. And the higher the degree, the more benefits the graduate. Those employees who learned how to get a PhD after the master’s program and did it are especially appreciated. As you know, the doctor is one of the honorary titles in science. Even in films and literature, those who had such a degree were distinguished by high status, education and high incomes.
Today, very few people decide to continue their studies after a master’s degree because the doctoral program involves years of additional education and writing a thesis. In fact, such work pays for itself with interest.
What gives a doctor degree
First of all, the degree of PhD wants those who are going to continue their academic career after getting a Master diploma and engage in research of science or teach in the academy. However, business areas are no less interested in such specialists, especially in the field of marketing and management.
Regardless of the specifics, a person with a doctoral degree has certain privileges before masters and bachelors:
- deep professional knowledge
- respect from the employer
- the opportunity to apply for prestigious grants and internships
- high position opportunities bypassing lower career levels
- interest from investors
- personal growth
- advanced education
In addition, this is a great opportunity for traveling, if you actively engage in researches of science and attend international and local conferences. So the doctoral degree unambiguously pays for the invested effort and time.
What salary gets a doctor and a master
Perhaps this is one of the most pleasant moments of advanced education. According to education consultants from WritemyPaper4Me, the holder of a PhD degree earns about 1.5 times more than an undergraduate or even a master’s graduate in the same specialty. Over the past few years there has been a clear trend — the higher the degree, the higher the salary.
These are the solid salaries of specialists in the field of humanities, like psychology, philosophy, and social sciences. Depending on the science, the annual salary of specialists with a doctor degree in the United States ranges from 55,000 to 90,000 USD. If we say about management and business, then it goes up to 200,000 USD. Another nice bonus: a person with a doctoral degree will always be in priority.
Masters can also claim high salaries, so the master in computer science earns about 103,000 USD a year, the Master of Science in Healthcare Management receives 98,000 USD a year. However, a doctor in these areas of science earns more.
New opportunities for the doctoral program
The popularity of advanced education is increasing and every day more and more people with a master’s are going to get a doctor’s degrees. This is explained very simply. The postgraduate program gives a certificate or doctoral degree, which provides respectability to such students. Applicants who have such a document case increased interest from employers. Thus, a PhD can rely on:
- high administration posts
- interesting projects
- high cash reward
- opportunity to teach and develop in a scientific career
- participation in innovation programs
- accelerated career growth
Therefore, numerous masters from business or technology go to continue their education under a doctoral program in order to ensure their career growth and new skills.
Advanced education for high competence in science
And, of course, the most fundamental advantage of studying in doctoral studies is not even a career advantage, but the acquisition of invaluable knowledge. Everyone knows that to get a doctor, you need to write a dissertation, which will need to be defended before doctorate. And not everyone can pass this test. Among other things, students of postgraduate education also receive:
- leadership skills
- science
- status
- competence
Such skills are difficult to obtain on a master’s program.
Requirements and terms of getting a doctoral degree
If the benefits of a doctoral degree are evident, and you are sure to achieve this, it remains to find out how to get a Ph.D. This is a challenging step-by-step path with specific stages. In order to start this way, you need some components:
- Graduate Diploma. First of all, for admissions in a doctor’s program, you must have a master’s degree. In some cases, it is allowed that the student has completed a completely different science.
- Certificate of language proficiency. If you enter a university abroad, it is logical that you need to know the language which you will be taught in brilliantly. Usually, at the doctoral level, you can complete the program in the needed language, but in many cases, the applicant needs to be proficient in several languages. This applies especially to students from all sciences related to history, linguistics, art, philosophy, etc. The needed language level for the program is not lower than advanced.
- GRE and GMAT exams. GRE or GMAT tests are two almost identical tests aimed at examining general verbal, mathematical and analytical skills. These exams pass all applicants of postgraduate programs.
- Motivation letter and academic essay. These two important documents should be given special attention in getting any degree. Many applicants claimed that the academic essay is even more important than certificates. The essay reflects your personality and motivation to become a doctor in the field that you choose.
- Recommendation Letters. Of course, any good tuition requires recommendations. They can be obtained from former professors, thesis supervisor, in some cases from the employer. Its content is not regulated, but it should give necessary information about you from the side: assessment of your skills in the role of a student, attitude to a given job, leadership and personal qualities. Don’t be afraid if the request also describes your negative features, as this usually gives the objectivity to the text.
How long it takes to get a PhD
Statistically, not all students of doctoral programs complete their doctoral dissertations, and many stretch the writing of work from the prescribed 3 years to 5 or even 8 years.
Sometimes it happens due to health problems, marriage, any family reasons, etc.
All of this truly indicates the seriousness of the doctoral program, so if you aren’t ready for such workload, think well whether to act.
In addition to writing a dissertation, a doctoral program student has enough worries. First, at the level of postgraduate education, no one cancels lectures and seminars: students also attend classes. It’s worth mentioning that the info they provide is much more complicated than in bachelor’s and master’s lectures. Also, the lesson time is much shorter, as the main priority is still given to writing a thesis for a doctor’s program.
Getting a doctoral degree is a challenging but promising stage of education, and not every master will want to continue this way. On the other hand, a doctor’s diploma, especially from Northcentral University or Harvard promises high career prospects, advances in the world of science and technology, powers and, importantly, high salaries.
On the other hand, to successfully complete the doctoral program, the student has to go through a difficult study and write a dissertation work, after which he/she needs to defend it. Besides a scientific project and educational science, you also need to deal with other equally important things. Therefore, to save time and unloading, we are ready to provide our assistance in consulting and writing scientific papers for a doctor, masters or bachelors.