Mayor Marsha McLean made a special visit to Golden Oak Community School on Thursday to speak with students about local government.
“We’re all learning about government right now,” third-grade teacher Laura Sullivan said, adding this is the fourth year that they’ve invited McLean to speak to students. “They’re all very excited.”
Second- through sixth-grade classes gathered in the multipurpose room to hear from McLean, who spoke to them about being mayor, as well as her own personal history with Santa Clarita, before answering each student’s questions.

“When they formed a city, I was really interested in government, and I thought, ‘You know what? I would really like to be on the City Council,’ so I ran for election,” McLean said, adding that, though she didn’t win the first time, she didn’t give up. “So, two years later, I tried again, and guess what? I lost again. But my motto is: If you want to do something and you want to do it badly enough, you never ever give up.”
So, McLean ran for the third time, and finally, she won. “I was lucky enough to win, and I’ve been lucky enough to be mayor four times.”
McLean then went on to explain her duties as mayor and as a council member.

“My favorite part of being mayor is getting to do this — coming out and talking to everybody,” she said. “Being able to go out to the different schools and talking to students, then going out into the community and meeting people.”
Students then asked her various questions, and while some were about government, others were things only a kid would ask, such as about her family and pets, favorite food, what she does in her spare time, and favorite animals.
“I love dogs, cats and owls,” McLean said, adding that her home is filled with owl decor, including an owl cookie jar, owl pictures and little towels with owls on them.
McLean also gave each classroom a “Kid’s Guide” to the city of Santa Clarita, along with pencils, keychains, pins and business cards, so kids and their parents can contact McLean with any questions or concerns.