Henry Mayo to host annual fall boutique


The Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Auxiliary is scheduled to host its fifth annual fall boutique on the first floor of the hospital on Oct. 30 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Attendees will be able to purchase hand-crafted and retail items from several local vendors during the boutique. Entrance fees collected from vendors and other proceeds will go toward patient care services.

“Employees always look forward to this event,” said Linda Palacios, chair of Henry Mayo Auxiliary fall boutique. “This can give people a chance to shop for the holidays.”

Attendees will also be able to purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win a spa basket worth $500.

Admission to the boutique is free and Henry Mayo officials encouraged all to attend.

To volunteer for the event, call the Volunteer Services Department at 661-200-1500 or complete the application at: www.henrymayo.com 

For more information on the fall boutique, call 661-200-1500

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