Man hurt in ‘take-down’ involving deputies near mall

Paramedics place patient in ambulance at the mall Monday afternoon. Signal photo, Maureen Daniels

First responders converged on the street adjacent to the Westfield Valencia Town Center mall mid-afternoon Monday after hearing a local sheriff’s deputy was hurt in a fight.

After responding to the emergency call, however, they discovered a civilian, not a deputy, had been hurt in the altercation.

Shortly after 3:30 p.m., paramedics with the Los Angeles County Fire Department received a text from the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station about a deputy requiring medical treatment.

“This call came in as an assault on a deputy,” Fire Department spokesman Chris Thomas said.

Deputies in more than a half-dozen sheriff’s vehicles converged at the mall on the southwest corner of Valencia Boulevard and McBean Parkway.

“The good news is no deputy was hurt,” said Shirley Miller, spokeswoman for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

An unidentified man, however, was injured in the alleged altercation with deputies and was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

“There was an incident involving a man near Wokcano (restaurant),” Miller said.

“Deputies had to perform a take-down,” she said, adding she had no details on what type of force was used in the take-down.

“The suspect was transported to the hospital for medical treatment,” she said.

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