Search for kidnapping suspect leads to unrelated arrest on Metrolink train

Deputies stopped a metrolink train at the Newhall Station Thursday night in search of a man accused of kidnapping. While they did not find the suspect in that case, they arrested another passenger with outstanding warrants. December 19, 2019. Bobby Block / The Signal

The search for a kidnapping suspect led to an unrelated arrest of a man for outstanding warrants on a Metrolink train Thursday evening, according to sheriff’s officials.

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials first received the call at 8:26 p.m., regarding a man who was suspected of two counts of kidnapping, which allegedly took place in the San Fernando area, according to Sgt. Ryan Elsee of the SCV Sheriff’s Station.

One suspect is detained at the Newhall Metrolink Station Thursday night after it was discovered that he had several warrants out for his arrest. December 19, 2019. Bobby Block / The Signal.

A man matching the description of the suspect was spotted on the train, prompting officials to stop the train and conduct a search.

“(The suspect) was wanted for two counts of kidnapping of his two kids,” said Ramon Hernandez, security dispatcher at Metrolink.

Officials detained one individual at the Newhall Metrolink Station, according to Hernandez.

One suspect is detained at the Newhall Metrolink Station Thursday night after it was discovered that he had several warrants out for his arrest. Deputies searched his backpack and bicycle. December 19, 2019. Bobby Block / The Signal.

After investigating the report, SCV deputies were able to determine the suspect was not the same person accused of kidnapping, but was wanted for outstanding warrants in connection with a different charge, according to Sheriff’s Station officials. 

The person sought for the San Fernando-area kidnapping ultimately returned the two children to a relative at a station south of Newhall. However, the suspect in the kidnapping is still at large, according to sheriff’s officials.

The person sought for outstanding warrants was ultimately taken into Sheriff’s Station custody. His identity and charges were not immediately available.

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