Cub Scout Pack 490 held its annual Pinewood Derby for its third year at the AutoNation Chevrolet Dealership, where the Scouts raced their homemade derby cars.
Over the past few weeks, Scouts designed and carved their own unmanned miniature cars to race at Saturday’s derby. Before the races began, Scouts crowded around the wooden track waiting to see how their cars placed.
“I love the Pinewood Derby races and activities,” said Tynan Reagan, a Cub Scout participating in the race.
His father, Clint, and other Scout parents cheered along the sidelines as they cheered during every race. In total, there were 15 cars participating in the race.
Every car had a chance to race in each of the three lanes, so the cars could experience each lane, according to Eden Reagan, Cub master of Pack 490. The races were split into heats, so the Scouts could race different cars during each heat.
“Eden is a rockstar,” said Jeff Shrewsbury, district executive for the Boy Scouts of America Western Los Angeles County Council. “She negotiated this deal with the general manager of the AutoNation Chevrolet Dealership to make this derby happen each year.”
Between each race, Reagan passed the time with Cub songs and jokes. Once she began telling jokes, other Scouts did not hesitate to chime in with their own.
Trophies were awarded to the Scouts for the car’s speed and design. A first-, second- and third-place trophy was awarded to those in the specific categories. The biggest trophy of them all went to the Scout who showed the most sportsmanship.
Throughout the event, practicing sportsmanship was most important, according to Reagan. Even when Scouts were not racing, they continuously cheered on their friends as each car race started.
The speed category was placed as follows: Xander DelHoyo was first, Eli Onder was second and Sandor Ladanyi was third. For design, Ty Reagan won first place and Asher Regan and Ryker Reagan won second and third place.
Drawdyn Stacey and Pierce Ojeda were awarded the Scout’s Choice achievement. And, Logan Rodriguez was recognized for his sportsmanship.
“These events provide positive energy in the community and bring families and friends together,” said Shrewsbury.