A Pacoima man accused of stabbing a man he met in rehab in Canyon Country returned to court Thursday.
David Alonso Figueroa, 37, appeared in San Fernando Superior Court for a pretrial hearing on Thursday, and was ordered by the court to return on Feb. 11 for another pretrial hearing, according to Ricardo Santiago of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
On July 30, 2018, detectives with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau began investigating the stabbing death of 29-year-old Brent Hariston, of Canyon Country.
According to investigators, Figueroa is suspected of agreeing to meet Hariston on the 27500 block of Dewdrop Avenue with the intention of doing some work together. The two, according to investigators had befriended one another in rehab.
The men reportedly began to argue which is when detectives believe Figueroa stabbed Hariston, according to the late Homicide Detective John Corina.
At that point, the victim’s mother — described by Corina as a “good witness” — came out of the house, saw the attack and then called 911 immediately.
Figueroa then is suspected of running from the scene with deputies apprehending him sometime later. Hariston died from stab wounds in his upper body, and detectives noted his shirt was bloody.
“We found the murder weapon at the scene,” Corina said at the time. “It was a few houses down from the house where Hariston was found.
“When the suspect ran from the house, he ran in between houses,” he said. “We followed that path and found it.”