Second Chick-fil-A location currently under review, city officials reveal

Boston Market locations in the Los Angeles area, including on Bouquet Canyon in Santa Clarita (pictured) changed its name to Los Angeles Market in support of the Dodgers for the World Series. Tammy Murga/ The Signal

Fast-food enthusiasts might soon have a new spot to order from as Santa Clarita has an application for a second Chick-fil-A, city officials confirmed Friday. 

The fast-food restaurant company has applied for a permit to build a second location on Bouquet Canyon Road and Newhall Ranch Road at the former Boston Market eatery, which closed in July, according to Jason Crawford, planning, marketing and economic development manager with the city. 

He added that the application is currently under review as the city considers a possible, temporary ban on new establishments of restaurant drive-thrus to help prevent traffic and pedestrian hazards amid extensive drive-thru lines at current operating businesses. 

On Tuesday, the Santa Clarita City Council is expected to discuss whether to adopt a 45-day moratorium on said projects while “staff intends to quickly develop new and appropriate queuing standards, any restaurant drive-through that is approved during the pendency of staff’s efforts to update the standards would expose the public to such hazards in the foreseeable future,” the proposed ordinance reads. 

Concerns over drive-thru queuing have been communicated with the fast-food company requesting to build at the former Boston Market location, according to Crawford. 

Should the temporary ban take effect, Chick-fil-A could still receive a permit should it demonstrate “via a professionally prepared queuing analysis that the proposed restaurant drive-through, taken in conjunction with other uses in the shopping center where the drive-through would be located, will not result in queuing of vehicles in driveway aprons or on adjacent public streets,” the ordinance reads. 

There are currently a total of two pending building permit applications for restaurant drive-thrus and three pending Planning Commission approvals are expected in the near future, according to city officials. 

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