ASB covers Valencia High with hearts

Valencia High ASB covers the school's campus with hearts which read student's names and a positive message. Courtesy of Mimsy Desaulniers.

Valencia High School students came to school to find hundreds of hearts with their names and a positive message across the campus as a way to make students feel loved on Valentine’s Day.

The school’s Associated Student Body team wanted to do something for the students that aligned with the day dedicated to sharing kindness and love with others.

“Last semester, we wanted to do something to make students feel loved and recognized, so the ASB students did the same thing on ‘thankful leaves,’” said Mimsy Desaulniers, math teacher and ASB director.

The ASB team divided sections of the school so students from different grade levels could find their hearts easily.

Valencia High ASB covers the school’s campus with hearts which read student’s names and a positive message. Courtesy of Mimsy Desaulniers.

Students were able to take their heart down after finding it and keep it. The front of the heart had the student’s name, and the back contained the positive message. Messages on the hearts varied from saying “Happy Valentine’s Day!” to “ASB loves you!”

“It’s like a mini scavenger hunt for them,” said Desaulniers. “Once they find their heart they take it down to see what their message said and compare it with their friend’s message.”

Teachers and staff members were not excluded from the occasion. Students went into classrooms the day prior and wrote positive messages on white boards, then pasted the teacher’s heart next to it.

Staff members came into their office to find their heart, along with many mini hearts, around their desks. Desaulniers said this was an effort to remind teachers and staff they are important as well.

“After doing this last semester, the ASB students wanted to do it again because some people may feel alone or sad at this time,” said Desaulniers. “We wanted to recognize them and let them know they’re loved.”

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