City Council to discuss project for future park near Via Princessa Metrolink Station

A project vicinity map shows that the site of the proposed under crossing is located near Via Princessa and Whites Canyon Road. Courtesy of the city of Santa Clarita

The Santa Clarita City Council is set to discuss on Tuesday the next steps in bringing the community a park with multi-use fields just north of the Via Princessa Metrolink Station.

At their regular meeting, council members are expected to vote on whether to award a conceptual design contract of nearly $180,000 to Southern California Regional Rail Authority for a project report for the undercrossing at the Metrolink Station, located at 19201 Via Princessa. 

The park would be located on at least a portion of a 26-acre property located immediately north of the Metrolink Station, a piece of land that the city of Santa Clarita purchased from Los Angeles County in April 2017 with the intent to use it as an active park. 

Parking for the future park would include the existing parking lot on the south side of the tracks but access to the north side of the tracks “will require a grade-separated crossing of the tracks in order to access the park,” according to the city staff report.  

“Providing access to the future park is the initial focus of the overall project,” read the report, adding that the future park site has limited access points due to its proximity to the Santa Clara River, a private mobile home park, road abutment and railroad tracks. “The most probable approach is to create a grade-separated crossing from the city-owned parking lot south of the tracks to the city-owned future park site north of the tracks.”

The grade-separated crossing would be designed and constructed to meet the region’s grade separation guidelines and provide proper access for pedestrians and potentially vehicles for the purposes of maintenance, security or emergencies, the report said. 

An official timeline for the future park’s completion has not yet become available, said Carrie Lujan, communications manager for the city. 

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